By confirming your booking, you agree to our terms and conditions.
At least 12 hours notice is required to reschedule your booking. You cannot rechedule or cancel a booking with less than 12 hours notice as booking fee's will still apply.
Please DO NOT open the car park gate under any circumstances (unless an emergency) to enter the car park until the previous customer has left. Dogs MUST remain within the vehicle until you are secured within the car park with all the gates shut. Do not let dogs out of the car in the waiting area.

Please also note, the play equipment in the field is for the dogs enjoyment. Please do not move, throw or climb on any of the obstacles within the fieldChildren must be supervised at all times

30 Minute Session

1 - 4 Dogs  £6.50

30 Minute Session

5 Dogs  £7.50

30 Minute Session

6 Dogs  £8.50

60 Minute Session

1 - 4 Dogs  £10.50

60 Minute Session

5 Dogs  £12.50

60 Minute Session

6 Dogs  £14.50

60 Minute Session

7/8 Dogs £18.50

60 Minute Session

9/10 Dogs  £20.00

Basic Obedience / Puppy Socialisation Classes

Please message us for more infomation on fun basic obedience and puppy socialisation sessions